My hearts’ desire is to share with you, about being a missionary and how I knew. And of my calling, to being made sure, partaking of his divine nature, and yet there’s more. But first, the knowing.
I have been saved over 30 years. I had a very dramatic new birth experience. God’s presence
came into my room and surrounded me. It felt like pulsating waves of warmth and living love
saturating my entire being. I was so thrilled that God was real, and that he had answered a
simple prayer. “Do you still love me? I need a bible, I don’t have one.” Oh, I was brought up in church as a little girl. But at age 18 everything changed.
After saying that simple prayer, I seemed to be impressed to turn on the television. A minister
was on. He pointed his finger at the screen and said, “Did you know that God still loves you?
And if you need a bible we’ll send you one.” That sent shock waves through my very being that God would answer in such a way. The minister led in a prayer for salvation. Then said,” you
must go tell people what God has done for you.” Needless to say, that sent me on my way.
Immediately I began to share what happened to me as I caught the bus back and forth.
People began to give their hearts to the Lord. I was so excited to tell them. I would ask them
would you like Jesus to come into your heart? And one by one would pray the salvation prayer
At the same time, I began an exhaustive study of the word of God. Night and day, I just
couldn’t seem to get enough of his word; I joined myself to a wonderful denominational church. They taught me what they knew. God bless them! I learned a great deal from them. In times of
quietness I would ask God questions. And to my amazement, someone would walk up to me at the bus stop; not even knowing my thoughts and would answer the very question that was rolling around in my head! How my heart would race with excitement in seeing him answer me in such unusual ways. My zeal you see is not without precedent.
I continued my studies and came among those who had a deeper relationship still. And as I
studied and learned about the Holy Spirit and his gift, God began to speak to me. Sometimes in 2
visions, sometimes in dreams, sometimes his tender voice on the inside. He led me in a teaching ministry to children youth and even mission groups in the early 80’s. In the denomination I was brought up in, they would have made me district superintendent of Sunday school. Then I also was asked to speak for the missionary departments in various district meetings. My great aunt was the missionary president at our local church. Yet the Lord was calling me deeper. In one
vision the Lord said I have called you to preach. I said you mean teach? He replied, “no, I said preach”. Then I began preparing sermons and my church did not believe in women preachers, so I asked a minister of another denomination what to do? He said obey the Lord. I began preaching in the nursing homes in the city jail and in Women’s Aglow meetings occasionally. I didn’t
separate myself from my church, I continued to serve in the capacity that they could receive.
Eventually I went to Rhema bible training Center in Tulsa Ok and graduated from school of
Pastor studies I would have gone on to their school of world missions, but God said to go home. Help my Dad and that there was a church in LA he would send me to. But back in the early 80’s I knew I was called to help the pastor, and I have worked with a few. I knew back in the 80’s that I would one day go to Singapore, Beijing, and the Philippines. The Lord has instructed me also to teach on Faith, the Gifts of the Spirit, Love and Prayer and healing. I have a Facebook page with about 4 years of material that you can look at. I’m learning how to create a website and blog posts. There’s over 40 groups that I already post in all over the world.
There is nothing like having confidence in knowing your purpose and being challenged to
make your calling an election sure. To the second part of the question, I’m learning to give all diligence; in adding to my faith virtue: and to virtue more knowledge. I thank God for these
wonderful classes. I can’t wait to learn how to put a seminar together and run a revival. And to knowledge temperance. And to temperance patience: And to patience Godliness. Oh, the riches of his grace, to teach us so that one day we shall see his face. And to Godliness brotherly and 3
sisterly kindness. And to all these things love. For I know if these things be in me and abound, as the scripture says, “… I will never stumble” 2 Peter 2:10
I have endeavored to give a two-fold answer the question’s set before. I pray that something said would fuel your fire even more. How I knew, and in deep relationship I did procure. And with continued diligence and the grace of God, I will make my calling sure.spirit
Finding out what’s behind it, isn’t that a great start? I solider goes into battle wisely when he’s studied his enemies movements, his Modus operandi, his strong points,the ares where he is weak. Once careful examination has been made over these items and others that have been revealed to him by insiders, then a calculated offensive can be determined. Let’s us be wise in formulating our offensive against the spirit of fear. Number one, it has to have an audience to begin it entrance in. The attention you give to it will magnify it’s ability to unleash a successful attack on you. Number two if you counter every thought with a heart soaked and drenched in your Covenant of protection, then you can successfully disarm every weapon of fear. However you can’t go any further unless you have thoroughly made the life change to emerse yourself in God’s covenant. Remember what God said through the prophet Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
If God spoke so sternly to the religious leaders of that day, what about our generation, yet our advantage is that none can hold you back from becoming acquainted when the God of Covenant. God made provisions for you through Christ as He had done for them through Moses and the law.
Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations
I have heard your voice before, I responded, my open door. But Some how bye and bye, I drifted away. Tension arose and stress displayed. As I searched my heart to see what was wrong, that gentle voice became my song. I moved back into that sensitive place, tension receded, stress did flee it, sounds just like a sweet melody, to hear you gently calling me.
◄ Jeremiah 31:3 ►
The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn the
John. 15:13 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends
There can be no greater love than that which has been bestowed upon us by God our Father through the life of his son. You see because of the present situation, man is at the mercy of a merciless spiritual marauder. If man is unaware, he gravitates down to the prince of darkness, and his agendas. Then if through man’s life, he has never been told about salvation in Jesus Christ, ( not having a fighting chance to get to know the God of covenant), he must spend eternity connected to the prince of darkness in the region where there can be no return. This is the reason we preach, this is why we may seem to some so radical, fanatical, to some maybe unbalanced, or to others, just plain nuts. But if I can help you change your destiny, though things may seem to be alright now, but after that last breath…If I can be a beacon of light, then I have helped you receive Salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus is calling, answers Him. Ask Him to be your Lord today.
Praise God, we identify with the Greatest, the Greatness, the Mightiest , the Most Loving, the Most Peaceful, the Kindest, the Most Patient, Most Merciful and Forgiving, the Greatest Teacher, and the Greatness Comforter, the one who will cause Great Prosperity and Satisfaction, the Greatest Defender in this life. We Identify with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now He invites you to identify with Him
Get to know God through His Word, you will be amazed at how He wants to display His Proper Identity.
Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations,…. read the rest and understand He is also a God of justice.
The Refiner’s Fire makes things pure. It purges out all that offends, it’s actually good for us. For in a vessel that has been purified by that fire, it’s content will remain uncontaminated, it’s safe to receive what the flows forth from that vessel.
Matthew 6:23,24
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Two sources. One with the intent to kill, steal, and destroy. The other with the ability to control the works of darkness and keep them from moving against that which God has established in the word for life. If we lean hard on the law of love, ( and it is a definite law), then we gain authority to posses the reigns of our circumstances and snap then in line with his word. If we cast off the law of love and let the law of hate envelope us. We are plunged under servitude to the most devious, tormentor that exists. For just when it seems you’ve been justified by natural retribution, the rug is pulled out once again and death rains down leaving devastation and calamity in its wake. True Love knows that God will avenge and remains in control.
1JOHN 5:14,15
14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
Related to the Covenant of God’s Love we stand. Walking circumspectly, loving, we raise our hands, giving unto Him the adoration which is wise, but through the diligent obedience of walking in love, He sustains our lives. Quietness and assurance are byproducts foretold, held in reserve for those who love from their heart and not just their soul. This is the righteousness of God.
1:John 4:7,8
7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
Isaiah 32:16-17
16 Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. 17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.
There is a song that says, “To the utmost, Jesus Saves.” And how true this has proven to be down through the ages. Men calling on Him with all their hearts, have found salvation from illnesses, salvation from calamity, Salvation from violent acts, and not only that, salvation from eternal separation from God. Isn’t that wonderful? I say it is, and best yet, He is still saving today! He’s just looking for hearts that are determined to see His movements for them in the here and now. Why, that could be you! Why don’t you call on Him, with all of your heart. Then watch Him become your Wonderful Savior as well.
11 This Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ 12Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11,12
God is in love with people. The grandest of all His creation, made in the very image and made like Himself. When He created man, He dreamed of a family. A family that would love Him as much as He loved them. Oh but He still has that dream. You see He’s dreaming of you. Your in his thoughts continually. Oh yes many have answered His call, but… He’s waiting on you. Won’t you answer that call by receiving His son Jesus into your heart. Your life will take on new meaning and so will His.
John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.