Hello, My name is Minister Alberta Richard. My calling from God has been to reach the whole world for Jesus the Christ. (I am on Youtube presently teaching on a Variety of subjects,) Radio An several different websites, designed to encourage empower and teach the written word of God. I am an Apostle Of Love and a Prophetss Of Joy, preaching the Gospel as the Lord opens the doors. Hallelujah! He has set before me many open doors This word is going into all the world for I receive reports from the nations on all my websites. God Truly performs his word. This site will take excerpts from the other sites so that you don’t miss out on anything. Soon the Lord will launch me into Healing Crusades, and I maybe coming into you area. Be sure to tune in to my radio broadcast once they are aired. “ Regeration” and, “played 24/7. My websites are listed below. Yours Truly

Minister Alberta Richard “In Him” Acts 17:28