Proper Assessment

Could this be the generation that the major Prophecies of the Old and New Testament will be fulfilled? As we read through the Testaments, we see that every generation that experienced a fulfillment of prophecy, were either unprepared or convinced that the prophets were miss guided, or operating under a wrong spirit. They even went so far as to seek to silence their witness. Could this be the very generation in the scripture that was said of that “because iniquity abounds, the love of many would wax cold,” or in other words (because evil is working in men, even his very own children, would abandon the love walk.) That prophecy didn’t say that the love of all would wax cold, but the love of many. We can be among those who’s love has not diminished if we properly assess our current position.

Matthew 24:12
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold