That little something that’s coming up on the inside of you, that impression, that thought, urging you to use discretion. Don’t cover that up let its light unfold. For in doing so you’ll escape a snare for your soul. The Holy Spirit Of God has been attempting to arrest your attention, if you enter that covenant ( this spoken to an express few here,) it can set you back, give heed to the light coming up on the inside, for the right association is on the way. Not all that glimmers is gold.
The Lord instructs me from time to time to speak forth in prophecy. It is thoroughly scriptural. It has the ability with the light given suddenly from God, to rectify situations swiftly if those to whom it is for take heed. Everyone can listen and learn. This pertains to many but not to all.
1 Cor. 14:3
3But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, encouragement, and comfort