It’s a song about love that everyone so desperately needs. This song has been sung in eternity past; it was the FATHER’S FIRST MELODY; (HIS CREATION ODE, HIS SYMPHONIC RHAPSODY.) Powerful is the song that encapsulates men, but ohhh how to be expressed, through a sweet euphony within? Friend, God has given us the lyrics, with every stanza; with every line, it’s metered out in Christ, as we sing each bridge, each verse, each rhyme. Listen! Here the sweet refrain, “Be Born Again and Spirit filled, and that song will crescendo, for How our Father God loves us so.”
“Born Again there’s really been a change in me. Born again, just like Jesus said. Well, I’m born again and all because of Calvery. I’m glad so glad that I’ve Been Born Again.” By Eviee
You may think it’s foolish what I’m going to say,
And that’s when I was born again
Born again, there’s really been a change in me,
Born again, just like Jesus said,
Born again, and all because of calvary,
I’m glad so glad that I’ve been born again
One man came to Jesus, john and chapter 3,
Oh so afraid, oh so afraid,
Master your from God, I really do believe,
And Jesus said, be born again.
Born again, there’s really been a change in me,
Born again, just like Jesus said,
Born again, and all because of calvary,
I’m glad so glad that I’ve been born again
I’m glad so glad that I’ve been born again.