When we think about the patients of the Father, we can get a clearer picture of the attribute of patience. In the beginning, He created a perfect world. This world was to be enjoyed by He and His man. Everything was so Exquisitely beautiful; breath taking in majesty, awesome in perception, Gorgeous in appearance. God was so excited to see what man would think about the things He had made just for him. All things were perfect.
Then came the fall. Man turn all things over to Satan. How disheartening! Was all lost? Would God suffer defeat at the hands of an outlaw spirit forever? God who is also all knowing had set up a redemption plan. But look how long it took to get it under way. Look at all the suffering that occurred before His son would arrive on the scene. Then look at how the son had to suffer to regain the heart of His created man. Now God still patiently waits until “ the lease”, so to speak, is up for Satan, and He can resume control of what was once a Paradise. When we think of these things, then it gives new meaning to 1 Cor. 13:4.
1 Corinthians 13:4a
4 Love is patient, love is kind. is patient, love is kind. is patient, love is kind.