I have made available the Holy Spirit and His Gift s on My YouTube Channel, “Through The Years”
It is necessary to push through now and receive all that has been given to us for our protection. So many are now in desperate situations, but we have come with the solution if it is heeded. Many dangers will be avoided, and many will be spared tragedy as they take counsel from the Word of God by listening to the Holy Spirit. These are messages are messages of Mercy and if you will support the work of the Holy Spirit, give these messages to all that you know. To leaders, to church leaders, to the suffering of the nations. We can partner together by giving these messages freely to the masses. We are Laborer’s together with God.

Go to the channel and listen over and over and send the link abroad. Then continue to listen to the radio station. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God for it is set to save lives.

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