The door is open, you can come through, the Lord has been waiting to minister to you. There is a peace, that is waiting, upon your arrival, call on the name of Jesus, that’s it.
Call: Jesus, Jesus, here is my life. I want to be a part of the family of God right now. Now God will usher you in. Let Him know you turn away from your sin as you become part of the family of God. Jesus washes away all of your sin and makes you brand new! Welcome to the family of God. Never alone again. God will never leave you or forsake you.

I want to pray right now,
Father, take good care of these new family members that have just called upon the name of Jesus. Direct them to a church that’s full of love and full of light. Give them vision early on so they can see your plan and purpose for their life. Father, let them experience the great love and fellowship and joy that we have experienced in receiving Jesus as Lord. Let them experience this pure love in this generation. In Jesus name, amen.