Happy Thanksgiving
May This Season cause you to reflect on the God of our Salvation. Ohhh we are sooo thankful that He didn’t leave us in Sins dark sway. Nor did he turn His back on us and just walk away. He aggressively previsioned and sent us His Son, so that all could have a right to the tree of life, receiving Jesus as Lord, who is eternally to be Adored. Ohh we thank Jesus the Son who delivered us from the power of darkness, and its ability to thrust into destruction. (Hell is a real place you know). And oh, how we give thanks to the Son who gave us His Spirit: His Holy Spirit, to move in and amongst us. To reveal the Father and His perfect will. We are so thankful for His comforting. encouraging strengthening, preserving, prospering power. Life on this earth has been, with the aid of God, satisfying and filled with wonder and adventure. For these things we are Thankful.
By the way, if you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life, do it right now. He will come in and bless you from the inside out, then you can enjoy your families as you should
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.