I remember years ago when I listened to my mentor Kenneth Hagin, how he overcame the un-overcomeable. He told of his early years of the struggle he had with obedience to the word of God. You see he had a very serious incurable diseases. Kenneth Hagin had just given his heart to the Lord. He was bedfast and going the way that the doctors said. They gave him no hope and he would die before his sixteenth birthday. But when he was feeling good enough, they would prop the bible up before him and he said he would read through the New Testament since he didn’t have long to live. To summarize, there were two important scriptures that seem to stand up before him, one was Mark 11:24 which says what things so ever you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you should have them. The second scripture was, cast all your cares upon the Lord for he cares for you 1 Peter 5:7. Well, his heart grasped the first scripture and he began to seek to put it into motion in his life. But when it came to that second scripture, when it speaks about not worrying, he began to cry. He said “Lord I’m lying here on the bed of affliction, having these heart attacks, trying my best to remain here, and you tell me not to worry?” Then grief turn to bitterness. He began to count all the people he knew that didn’t even live half as good as he did and they weren’t sick and they weren’t afflicted. And he cried and cried all day and all night until he said he had a dark brown headache. But once he got over that crying, that verse stood up before him again, casting all your care upon the Lord for he cares for you. And he said, “OK Lord I’m going to obey you I’m not gonna worry I know where I’m going when I die so I’m just gonna let her go. if I had these heart attacks, and I don’t wake up in the morning, I know where I will be.” But the Lord took his obedience and as he got rid of that fear, ( worry is fear), than his faith begin to take hold. He began to practice the word of God. Not only did God make him well, he made him whole and he had a family, and he raised up a great ministry, and many of us have been beneficiaries of his ministry. And as I quote him, he said, Friends, its God’s word acted upon that brings results. I will never forget the legacy that he left
God wants you to have that same legacy, act upon his word today.