What you have heard and what you have been taught concerning the word of God must be put into practice. As you are doing your best, the Lord is able to carefully protect you.
You see in the realm of the spirit once a truth is introduced to you, you immediately become responsible for it. Why, because there is an outlaw spirit that wants to put you in check, or shut you down before that truth can’t take root in you, and you begin to produce fruit. The only method of remaining in a good way, is to follow the good Shepherd wholly, and not selectively. He really is able to keep you as the word declares. But determine today, that you won’t go part way, but follow all, ( with the gracious help of God), and pitfalls, calamity, desolations and misery has no power to destroy your life, for your giving it your all for Jesus who is called Christ. ( Or the Anointed One ).
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.