There are many different contemplations concerning the “Philosophy-of Life” in every nation. Being expressed in written documentations, that are used to make shrewd and calculated evaluations . Many noble thoughts and theories, many bright yet many leery. Stepping past these brilliant ideas, one must settle, one must receive light, that the Gospel Of our Savior Jesus Christ, will guide you by day, and guide you by night. It’s promises have been proven in every way; ( You can be free, you can be strong, you can live this life with a joyous song). Yes, these words have saved men through the centuries. These words can deliver from sickness and disease. These words have brought a suffering child to health, the words of the Gospel have brought a pauper to wealth. The words of the Gospel have cleansed an addict from drugs, and set him back in his family he loves. The words of the Gospel are Good News, it is true. And Holy men of God, delivered them to you, and me too. The words of our Lord and Savior determine eternal fate, yes these are the words that carry weight.
John 1 King James Version (KJV)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.